Hide Styles from NN4

This paragraph should be highlighted green in NN4, red otherwise

This should be blue

Note: this is not accomplished using @import, which is better for maintaining 2 entirely seperate stylesheets for NN4 and other, later browsers.
Explanation: The /*/*/ is a complete open/end comment for all browsers (so far tested) except netscape 4. NN4 thinks the comment isn't closed, so it ignores all rules up to the next end comment */.

The css that does it:

.hacked {
	background-color: #060;
/* Tell NS4 to ignore these styles, with the following hack: */
.hacked { 
	background-color: #C00;
/* ok back to normal - lets just check that everyone picks up the remainder of the rules */
.isok { color: #009; }

Credits: Caio Chassot for originating the hack, and Dougal Campbell for extending it - both from the css-discuss list