Modules Schmodules

Modules Schmodules

In the interest of recording failures as well as success, I’ve had no further luck with the batch path conversion tool. (though I’ve only had a couple of hours more on it).

Can’t make head or tail of how the HTML::Parser is supposed to work. Perl just got OO on me I think, and I’ve some catching up to do.



Next up is mobiles. For the baby.

…Well, and for me too.. sorry, Aidan, you’ll have to share.

(Aidan being our much anticipated but as-yet-unborn child)

Keep an eye on Aidan’s baby site for more.

Potato Sculpture Action

Potato Sculpture Action

I finished the new truncated icosahedron piece I was making (for a friend… hi Drain and Liz :)

It’s kind of slick.. I have the drying process down now so all the polygons are dense, and polish up to a nice sheen.

If this is all new to you (a potato wha?…) I’d like to point you to my potato sculpture pages for details. Except that they are miserably out of date.

I’ll drop the link anyhow: Sam-I-Am’s Potato Pages

The jointing was better. I dunno how much tighter I want it to be, without it looking kind of dry and manufactured.

Picture a ball about 3” diameter, composed of wood-like hexagons and pentagons.

I also made a little denim cushion for it. Sweet :)

This and That Blog

This and That Blog

In case you (all 0 of you at this point as I’ve not announced or linked this from anywhere) didn’t notice, I’ve enforced a fork in the road that is this blog.

Work-type stuff is going into:

All that other miscellaneous stuff remains here.


Biosheres (metamorphosis of planet earth) by Dorion Sagan.

This is the second time round, and I’ve really just picked it back up for something to pick through on Bart to and from work. He takes the Gaia hypothesis (meme?) and suggests that a truly living organism would be capable of reproduction, and that Biosphere II, and all the other self-contained living systems we see are evidence of this. He proposes we are simply agents in this - the Earths reproduction.

What I find difficult about this (and some interpretations of Gaia) is the need for this to be taken literally. As a philosophical statement I’ve no difficulty with it…

(this is me catching up)

(this is me catching up)

It being the day before July 4th, all is quiet at work. I’m catching up on events, moving forward with this validation-of-life-by-documentation-of-life concept that blogs embody. Not having been a diary/journal person for many years, (and this being an entirely different thing anyway) I’m still looking for the right voice.

Martial Arts Update

Martial Arts Update

Wow, a 4 hour test. It was indeed gruelling (no matter how fit you are, when someone asks you to do push ups until you can’t do anymore, exhaustion will follow). That was apparently the idea - the tests followed a long workout that left me acheing right through till Tuesday.<br

But I did prevail :) and it was all a worthwhile.

The Baby

The Baby

we learnt last week is a boy, is alive and well, has a 4 chamber heart [this had been a concern] and is generally looking just fine and dandy. Due date is somewhere round about 5th Dec. 2000.

(a 2000 kid. I wonder what that will do to him…)

As of last friday he also has a name: Aidan. I wasn’t in a hurry to come up with a name, but we’d already narrowed down to 1 girl name and maybe 3 boy names. And when we looked at those, Aidan was the one that popped out at us. So it is. Hope he likes it.

We are working on a baby site (this seems like a good thing to me, but the world at large is apparently not ready for home pages for the as-yet-unborn.) It’s taking shape at:

Still Thwarted

Still Thwarted

I’m so close (yet so far) to what has been a minor holy grail for me: A batch path conversion utility that actually works; a thing that will change document relative paths to absulute, to root relative and back and sideways etc.

I (finally) got my machine (an nt box) set up so I can actually install perl modules from cpan. And I’ve got something that looks like it ought to work.

But it doesn’t yet.

It will though.. soon.

Minor triumph:

Minor triumph:

I got the image map to ImageReady action perl script happenning.

This is of limited use :) but is a milestone in that most perl scripts I’ve ever embarked on making died somewhere in progress. And it successfully parses a html file…

(drop me a line if you want to take a look: )